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Law book from Hammurabi to the International Criminal Court, 250 milestones in the history of law

By: Material type: TextTextSeries: Publication details: New York Sterling Publishing 2015ISBN:
  • 9781454901686
Subject(s): Genre/Form: LOC classification:
  • K150 .R64 2015
c. 2550 BCE The oldest written will -- c. 2100 BCE The code of Ur-Nammu -- c. 1792 BCE The code of Hammurabi -- c. 1300 BCE The ten commandments -- 621 BCE The draconian code -- 594 BCE The laws of Solon -- c. 480 BCE The Gortyn code -- 450 BCE The twelve tables -- 399 BCE The trial of Socrates -- c. 180 The Talmud -- c. 250 The first law school -- c. 250 The Brehon laws of Ireland -- 529 The Justinian code -- 561 The Irish copyright war -- 624 The Tang code -- 652 The Quran -- 1140 Canon law and the Decretum Gratiani -- 1166 The Assize of Claredon -- c. 1200 Lex Mercatoria -- 1215 The Magna Carta -- 1275 The statutes of Westminster -- c. 1350 The Star Chamber -- 1431 The trial of Joan of Arc -- 1481 Littleton's Tenures -- 1492 The Alhambra Decree -- 1527 Les Termes de la Ley -- 1601 An act for the relief of the poor -- 1616 Compulsory education laws -- 1625 On the Law of War and Peace -- 1629 The first blue laws -- 1648 Peace of Westphalia -- 1651 Leviathan -- 1670 Bushel's case -- 1679 The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 -- 1685 The Black Code of Lois XIV -- 1692 The Salem Witchcraft Trials -- 1695 Lapse of the Licensing Act -- 1710 The Statute of Anne -- 1720 The Bubble Act -- 1735 The Trial of John Peter Zenger -- 1751 The Gin Act of 1751 -- 1761 The Writs of Assistance Case -- 1765 Blackstone's Commentaries -- 1787 The U.S. Constitution -- 1789 The Judiciary Act of 1789 -- 1789 The Declaration of the Rights of Man -- 1790 America's first copyright law -- 1791 The Bill of Rights -- 1792 The Coinage Act of 1792 -- 1798 The Triple Assessment (Income tax) -- 1803 The power of judicial review -- 1804 The Napoleonic Code -- 1805 The superiority of possession -- 1819 The supremacy of federal law -- 1821 The supremacy of federal courts -- 1824 Congressional regulation of commerce -- 1824 Administering native peoples -- 1839 The -- 1842 Recognition of labor unions -- 1843 The M'Naghten Rule --1848 The Field Code -- 1854 The measure of contract damages -- 1857 The Dred Scott decision -- 1861 The government printing office -- 1863 The Emancipation Proclamation -- 1864 The Geneva Convention -- 1865 The abolition of slavery -- 1866 The Civil Rights Act of 1866 -- 1868 Impeaching President Andrew Johnson -- 1868 The fourteenth amendment -- 1869 Prohibition of racial voter discrimination -- 1870 The law school revolution -- 1872 Law reporting and legal publishing -- 1873 Obscenity and the Comstock Act -- Admission of women to the bar -- 1876 Legal aide societies -- 1878 The Berne Convention -- 1881 The insanity defense -- 1882 The Chinese Exclusion Act -- 1883 The civil rights cases -- 1886 Equal protection rights -- 1887 The Interstate Commerce Act -- 1888 The Brazilian Slave Emancipation Act -- 1890 The right to privacy -- 1890 The Sherman Antitrust Act -- 1893 New Zealand women's suffrage -- 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson: Separate but equal -- 1897 Corporate personhood and liability -- 1900 The German Civil Code -- 1901 The Cuban Constitution of 1901 -- 1908 Women in factories -- 1909 Congressional power to tax income -- 1910 The White-Slave Traffic Act -- 1910 Workers' Compensation Law -- 1911 Busting the trusts -- 1911 The Triangle Shirtwaist fire -- 1913 The Federal Reserve Act -- 1914 The Exclusionary Rule -- 1914 The Clayton Antitrust Act -- 1915 The prohibition of illegal narcotics -- 1916 The Child Labor Act of 1916 -- 1916 The expansion of consumer rights -- 1918 Prohibition -- 1919 Women's right to vote -- 1919 Yelling "fire!" in a crowded theater -- 1920 New York State legalizes boxing -- 1921 The Chicago "Black Sox" Trial -- 1921 Censorship and the Hays Office -- 1921 The Emergency Quota Act -- 1925 The Scopes "Monkey" Trial -- 1926 The United States Code -- 1928 The danger zone in tort law -- 1928 Wiretaps -- 1933 Hitler's rise to power -- 1933 Wall Street regulation -- 1933 Censorship and Ulysses -- 1933 The repeal of prohibition -- 1934 The Federal Communications Act -- 1943 The Securities Change Act -- 1935 The National Labor Relations Act -- 1935 The Nuremberg Laws -- The Social Security Act -- 1936 The Feral Register -- 1937 FDR and the court-packing plan -- 1937 Cameras in the courts -- 1938 Rule 23 and modern class action -- 1938 The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act -- 1938 The Fair Labor Standards Act -- 1939 Militias and the Right to Bear Arms -- 1940 The Alien Registration Act -- 1941 Strict products liability -- 1941 California's Anti-Okie statute -- 1942 Internment of Japanese Americans -- 1944 The G.I. Bill -- 1945 The Nuremberg Trials -- 1946 -- Rent control -- 1946 The protection of trademarks -- 1947 Colonialism and postwar independence -- 1948 General agreement on tariffs and trade -- 1948 The U.N. convention on genocide -- 1948 The Hollywood ten -- 1948 Universal declaration of human rights -- 1948 The Displaced Persons Act -- Rejection of the Alien Registration Act -- 1951 The Rosenberg Trial -- 1951 The E.U. and the Treaty of Paris -- 1954 Brown v. Board of Education -- 1954 The Communist Control Act -- 1956 The Interstate Highway Act -- 1957 The limits on obscenity -- 1957 The Wolfenden Report and gay rights -- 1959 The European Court of human rights -- 1959 No man's land -- 1961 States and the exclusionary rule -- 1961 The Eichmann Trial -- 1963 The trial of Nelson Mandela -- 1963 The right to counsel in state court -- 1964 Limits on libel laws -- 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- 1965 The Voting Rights Act -- 1965 Conscientious objection -- 1965 The body and the right of privacy -- 1966 The Freedom of Information Act -- 1966 Miranda warnings -- 1967 Interracial marriage -- 1967 The Vietnam-Era draft laws -- 1969 No-fault divorce -- 1969 Free speech and threats of violence -- 1969 The fairness doctrine -- 1970 The National Environmental Policy Act -- 1970 The Count-Martial of William Calley Jr. -- 1970 Public health and cigarettes -- 1970 The RICO Act -- 1970 Baseball's reserve clause -- 1970 The Occupational Safety and Health Act -- 1970 The trial of Charles Manson -- 1971 Enfranchising eighteen-year-olds -- 1971 The Pentagon Papers -- 1971 Employment discrimination -- 1971 Court-ordered school busing -- 1972 Banning the death penalty -- 1972 The Equal Employment Opportunity Act -- 1972 The Equal Rights Amendment -- 1972 The trail of broken treaties -- 1973 The Endangered Species Act -- 1973 The first ban on gay marriage -- 1973 A new obscenity standard -- 1973 Roe v. Wade -- 1973 The War Powers Act of 1973 -- 1974 Presidential subpoena compliance -- 1975 Attorneys' fee awards -- 1975 Restrictions on involuntary commitment -- 1975 Racism and U.N. Resolution 3379 -- 1976 The Right to Die -- 1976 Health care and the duty to warn -- 1976 The Copyright Act of 1976 -- 1976 The death penalty returns -- 1976 Palimony -- 1977 Attorney advertising -- 1978 Affirmative action -- 1978 The FCC and filthy words -- 1978 The Son of Sam Law -- 1978 The entrapment defense -- 1983 The McMartin molestation case -- 1984 First mandatory seat-belt law -- 1984 Administrative agency determinations -- 1984 Parody and the first amendment -- 1984 Time-shifting and fair use -- 1986 Peremptory challenges to jury selection -- 1986 The first evidentiary use of DNA -- 1987 Pregnancy discrimination -- 1987 Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination -- 1988 Surrogate motherhood -- 1988 Women's admission to private clubs -- 1989 The Fatwa against The Satanic verses -- 1989 Celebrity tax prosecution -- 1989 The first gay marriage laws -- 1990 The Americans with Disabilities Act -- 1990 The end of Apartheid -- 1991 Confirming Clarence Thomas -- 1991 The trial of Manuel Noriega -- 1992 Smoking litigation -- 1992 The Rio Conference -- 1993 Creation of the European Union -- 1994 The hot coffee case -- 1995 Stem cell and cloning legislation -- 1995 The O.J. Simpson murder trial -- 1996 Limits on punitive damages -- 1996 South Africa's constitution -- 1996 Legalization of marijuana -- 1997 Presidential immunity -- 1997 The Communications Decency Act -- 1997 Physician-assisted suicide -- 1998 The line-item veto -- 1998 Indictment of Augusto Pinochet -- 1999 Copyright in the digital age -- 2000 Bush v. Gore -- 2000 The Microsoft monopoly -- 2001 Golf carts on the PGA Tour -- Expanded copyrights -- 2001 The USA PATRIOT Act -- 2002 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act -- 2002 The international criminal court -- 2005 Public purpose and eminent domain -- 2008 The legality of gun control -- 2010 Google books and fair use -- 2010 Wall Street reform -- 2012 The future of juvenile punishment -- 2012 The Affordable Care Act -- 2015 The legal fight for Gay Marriage.
Summary: "The Law Book presents a comprehensive look at the rules by which we live our lives ... Roffer takes us around the globe to ancient Rome and medieval England before transporting us forward to contemporary accounts that tackle everything from civil rights, surrogacy, and assisted suicide to the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Google Books, and the fight for marriage equality. Organized chronologically, the entries each consist of a short essay and a stunning image, while the "Notes and further reading" section provides resources for more in-depth study ..."--- From flip cover.Summary: "Which was the last country to abolish slavery? Which is the only amendment to the U.S. Constitution ever to be repealed? How did King Henry II of England provide a procedural blueprint for criminal law? These are just a few of the thought-provoking questions addressed in this beautifully illustrated book. Join author Michael H. Roffer as he explores 250 of the most fundamental, far-reaching, and often-controversial cases, laws, and trials that have profoundly changed our world--for good or bad. Offering authoritative context to ancient documents as well as today's hot-button issues, The Law Book presents a comprehensive look at the rules by which we live our lives. It covers such diverse topics as the Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, the Trial of Socrates, the Bill of Rights, women's suffrage, the insanity defense, and more. Roffer takes us around the globe to ancient Rome and medieval England before transporting us forward to contemporary accounts that tackle everything from civil rights, surrogacy, and assisted suicide to the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Google Books, and the fight for marriage equality. Organized chronologically, the entries each consist of a short essay and a stunning full-color image, while the "Notes and Further Reading" section provides resources for more in-depth study. Justice may be blind, but this collection brings the rich history of the law to light."--Publisher's description.
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Includes bibliographical references (pages 511-524) and index.

c. 2550 BCE The oldest written will -- c. 2100 BCE The code of Ur-Nammu -- c. 1792 BCE The code of Hammurabi -- c. 1300 BCE The ten commandments -- 621 BCE The draconian code -- 594 BCE The laws of Solon -- c. 480 BCE The Gortyn code -- 450 BCE The twelve tables -- 399 BCE The trial of Socrates -- c. 180 The Talmud -- c. 250 The first law school -- c. 250 The Brehon laws of Ireland -- 529 The Justinian code -- 561 The Irish copyright war -- 624 The Tang code -- 652 The Quran -- 1140 Canon law and the Decretum Gratiani -- 1166 The Assize of Claredon -- c. 1200 Lex Mercatoria -- 1215 The Magna Carta -- 1275 The statutes of Westminster -- c. 1350 The Star Chamber -- 1431 The trial of Joan of Arc -- 1481 Littleton's Tenures -- 1492 The Alhambra Decree -- 1527 Les Termes de la Ley -- 1601 An act for the relief of the poor -- 1616 Compulsory education laws -- 1625 On the Law of War and Peace -- 1629 The first blue laws -- 1648 Peace of Westphalia -- 1651 Leviathan -- 1670 Bushel's case -- 1679 The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 -- 1685 The Black Code of Lois XIV -- 1692 The Salem Witchcraft Trials -- 1695 Lapse of the Licensing Act -- 1710 The Statute of Anne -- 1720 The Bubble Act -- 1735 The Trial of John Peter Zenger -- 1751 The Gin Act of 1751 -- 1761 The Writs of Assistance Case -- 1765 Blackstone's Commentaries -- 1787 The U.S. Constitution -- 1789 The Judiciary Act of 1789 -- 1789 The Declaration of the Rights of Man -- 1790 America's first copyright law -- 1791 The Bill of Rights -- 1792 The Coinage Act of 1792 -- 1798 The Triple Assessment (Income tax) -- 1803 The power of judicial review -- 1804 The Napoleonic Code -- 1805 The superiority of possession -- 1819 The supremacy of federal law -- 1821 The supremacy of federal courts -- 1824 Congressional regulation of commerce -- 1824 Administering native peoples -- 1839 The -- 1842 Recognition of labor unions -- 1843 The M'Naghten Rule --1848 The Field Code -- 1854 The measure of contract damages -- 1857 The Dred Scott decision -- 1861 The government printing office -- 1863 The Emancipation Proclamation -- 1864 The Geneva Convention -- 1865 The abolition of slavery -- 1866 The Civil Rights Act of 1866 -- 1868 Impeaching President Andrew Johnson -- 1868 The fourteenth amendment -- 1869 Prohibition of racial voter discrimination -- 1870 The law school revolution -- 1872 Law reporting and legal publishing -- 1873 Obscenity and the Comstock Act -- Admission of women to the bar -- 1876 Legal aide societies -- 1878 The Berne Convention -- 1881 The insanity defense -- 1882 The Chinese Exclusion Act -- 1883 The civil rights cases -- 1886 Equal protection rights -- 1887 The Interstate Commerce Act -- 1888 The Brazilian Slave Emancipation Act -- 1890 The right to privacy -- 1890 The Sherman Antitrust Act -- 1893 New Zealand women's suffrage -- 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson: Separate but equal -- 1897 Corporate personhood and liability -- 1900 The German Civil Code -- 1901 The Cuban Constitution of 1901 -- 1908 Women in factories -- 1909 Congressional power to tax income -- 1910 The White-Slave Traffic Act -- 1910 Workers' Compensation Law -- 1911 Busting the trusts -- 1911 The Triangle Shirtwaist fire -- 1913 The Federal Reserve Act -- 1914 The Exclusionary Rule -- 1914 The Clayton Antitrust Act -- 1915 The prohibition of illegal narcotics -- 1916 The Child Labor Act of 1916 -- 1916 The expansion of consumer rights -- 1918 Prohibition -- 1919 Women's right to vote -- 1919 Yelling "fire!" in a crowded theater -- 1920 New York State legalizes boxing -- 1921 The Chicago "Black Sox" Trial -- 1921 Censorship and the Hays Office -- 1921 The Emergency Quota Act -- 1925 The Scopes "Monkey" Trial -- 1926 The United States Code -- 1928 The danger zone in tort law -- 1928 Wiretaps -- 1933 Hitler's rise to power -- 1933 Wall Street regulation -- 1933 Censorship and Ulysses -- 1933 The repeal of prohibition -- 1934 The Federal Communications Act -- 1943 The Securities Change Act -- 1935 The National Labor Relations Act -- 1935 The Nuremberg Laws -- The Social Security Act -- 1936 The Feral Register -- 1937 FDR and the court-packing plan -- 1937 Cameras in the courts -- 1938 Rule 23 and modern class action -- 1938 The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act -- 1938 The Fair Labor Standards Act -- 1939 Militias and the Right to Bear Arms -- 1940 The Alien Registration Act -- 1941 Strict products liability -- 1941 California's Anti-Okie statute -- 1942 Internment of Japanese Americans -- 1944 The G.I. Bill -- 1945 The Nuremberg Trials -- 1946 -- Rent control -- 1946 The protection of trademarks -- 1947 Colonialism and postwar independence -- 1948 General agreement on tariffs and trade -- 1948 The U.N. convention on genocide -- 1948 The Hollywood ten -- 1948 Universal declaration of human rights -- 1948 The Displaced Persons Act -- Rejection of the Alien Registration Act -- 1951 The Rosenberg Trial -- 1951 The E.U. and the Treaty of Paris -- 1954 Brown v. Board of Education -- 1954 The Communist Control Act -- 1956 The Interstate Highway Act -- 1957 The limits on obscenity -- 1957 The Wolfenden Report and gay rights -- 1959 The European Court of human rights -- 1959 No man's land -- 1961 States and the exclusionary rule -- 1961 The Eichmann Trial -- 1963 The trial of Nelson Mandela -- 1963 The right to counsel in state court -- 1964 Limits on libel laws -- 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- 1965 The Voting Rights Act -- 1965 Conscientious objection -- 1965 The body and the right of privacy -- 1966 The Freedom of Information Act -- 1966 Miranda warnings -- 1967 Interracial marriage -- 1967 The Vietnam-Era draft laws -- 1969 No-fault divorce -- 1969 Free speech and threats of violence -- 1969 The fairness doctrine -- 1970 The National Environmental Policy Act -- 1970 The Count-Martial of William Calley Jr. -- 1970 Public health and cigarettes -- 1970 The RICO Act -- 1970 Baseball's reserve clause -- 1970 The Occupational Safety and Health Act -- 1970 The trial of Charles Manson -- 1971 Enfranchising eighteen-year-olds -- 1971 The Pentagon Papers -- 1971 Employment discrimination -- 1971 Court-ordered school busing -- 1972 Banning the death penalty -- 1972 The Equal Employment Opportunity Act -- 1972 The Equal Rights Amendment -- 1972 The trail of broken treaties -- 1973 The Endangered Species Act -- 1973 The first ban on gay marriage -- 1973 A new obscenity standard -- 1973 Roe v. Wade -- 1973 The War Powers Act of 1973 -- 1974 Presidential subpoena compliance -- 1975 Attorneys' fee awards -- 1975 Restrictions on involuntary commitment -- 1975 Racism and U.N. Resolution 3379 -- 1976 The Right to Die -- 1976 Health care and the duty to warn -- 1976 The Copyright Act of 1976 -- 1976 The death penalty returns -- 1976 Palimony -- 1977 Attorney advertising -- 1978 Affirmative action -- 1978 The FCC and filthy words -- 1978 The Son of Sam Law -- 1978 The entrapment defense -- 1983 The McMartin molestation case -- 1984 First mandatory seat-belt law -- 1984 Administrative agency determinations -- 1984 Parody and the first amendment -- 1984 Time-shifting and fair use -- 1986 Peremptory challenges to jury selection -- 1986 The first evidentiary use of DNA -- 1987 Pregnancy discrimination -- 1987 Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination -- 1988 Surrogate motherhood -- 1988 Women's admission to private clubs -- 1989 The Fatwa against The Satanic verses -- 1989 Celebrity tax prosecution -- 1989 The first gay marriage laws -- 1990 The Americans with Disabilities Act -- 1990 The end of Apartheid -- 1991 Confirming Clarence Thomas -- 1991 The trial of Manuel Noriega -- 1992 Smoking litigation -- 1992 The Rio Conference -- 1993 Creation of the European Union -- 1994 The hot coffee case -- 1995 Stem cell and cloning legislation -- 1995 The O.J. Simpson murder trial -- 1996 Limits on punitive damages -- 1996 South Africa's constitution -- 1996 Legalization of marijuana -- 1997 Presidential immunity -- 1997 The Communications Decency Act -- 1997 Physician-assisted suicide -- 1998 The line-item veto -- 1998 Indictment of Augusto Pinochet -- 1999 Copyright in the digital age -- 2000 Bush v. Gore -- 2000 The Microsoft monopoly -- 2001 Golf carts on the PGA Tour -- Expanded copyrights -- 2001 The USA PATRIOT Act -- 2002 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act -- 2002 The international criminal court -- 2005 Public purpose and eminent domain -- 2008 The legality of gun control -- 2010 Google books and fair use -- 2010 Wall Street reform -- 2012 The future of juvenile punishment -- 2012 The Affordable Care Act -- 2015 The legal fight for Gay Marriage.

"The Law Book presents a comprehensive look at the rules by which we live our lives ... Roffer takes us around the globe to ancient Rome and medieval England before transporting us forward to contemporary accounts that tackle everything from civil rights, surrogacy, and assisted suicide to the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Google Books, and the fight for marriage equality. Organized chronologically, the entries each consist of a short essay and a stunning image, while the "Notes and further reading" section provides resources for more in-depth study ..."--- From flip cover.

"Which was the last country to abolish slavery? Which is the only amendment to the U.S. Constitution ever to be repealed? How did King Henry II of England provide a procedural blueprint for criminal law? These are just a few of the thought-provoking questions addressed in this beautifully illustrated book. Join author Michael H. Roffer as he explores 250 of the most fundamental, far-reaching, and often-controversial cases, laws, and trials that have profoundly changed our world--for good or bad. Offering authoritative context to ancient documents as well as today's hot-button issues, The Law Book presents a comprehensive look at the rules by which we live our lives. It covers such diverse topics as the Code of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, the Trial of Socrates, the Bill of Rights, women's suffrage, the insanity defense, and more. Roffer takes us around the globe to ancient Rome and medieval England before transporting us forward to contemporary accounts that tackle everything from civil rights, surrogacy, and assisted suicide to the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Google Books, and the fight for marriage equality. Organized chronologically, the entries each consist of a short essay and a stunning full-color image, while the "Notes and Further Reading" section provides resources for more in-depth study. Justice may be blind, but this collection brings the rich history of the law to light."--Publisher's description.

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