State of the world, 2010 transforming cultures : from consumerism to sustainability : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society
Material type:
- 9780393337266
- Transforming cultures : from consumerism to sustainability
- 22 339.47 ST-

Includes bibliographical reference ( p. 191-230) and index.
The rise and fall of consumer cultures / Erik Assadourian -- Engaging religions to shape worldviews / Gary Gardner -- Ritual and taboo as ecological guardians / Gary Gardner -- Environmentally sustainable childbearing / Robert Engelman -- Elders : a cultural resource for promoting sustainable development / Judi Aubel -- From agriculture to permaculture / Albert Bates and Toby Hemenway -- Early childhood education to transform cultures for sustainability / Ingrid Pramling Samuelson and Yoshie Kaga -- Commercialism in children's lives / Susan Linn -- Rethinking school food: the power of the public plate / Kevin Morgan and Roberta Sonnino -- What is higher education for now? / David W. Orr -- Adapting institutions for life in a full world / Robert Constanza, Joshua Farley, and Ida Kubiszewski -- Sustainable work schedules for all / Juliet Schor -- Changing business cultures from within / Ray Anderson, Mona Amodeo, and Jim Hartzfeld -- Social entrepreneurs: innovating toward sustainability / Johanna Mair and Kate Ganly -- Relocalizing business / Michael H. Schuman -- Editing out unsustainable behavior / Michael Maniates -- Broadening the understanding of security / Michael Renner -- Building cities of the future / Peter Newman -- Reinventing health care: from panacea to hygeia / Walter Bortz -- Earth jurisprudence: from colonization to participation / Cormac Cullinan -- From selling soap to selling sustainability: social marketing / Jonah Sachs and Susan Finkelpearl -- Media literacy, citizenship, and sustainability / Robin Andersen and Pamela Miller -- Music: using education and entertainment to motivate change / Amy Han -- Reducing work time as a path to sustainability / John de Graaf -- Inspiring people to see that less is more / Cecile Andrews and Wanda Urbanska -- Ecovillages and the transformation of values / Jonathan Dawson.
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