Millenium trilogy
Material type:
- 791.4372

1. The girl with the dragon tattoo ; 2. The girl who played with fire ; 3. The girl who kicked the hornets' nest
The girl with the dragon tattoo: A journalist is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing, or dead, for forty years by a young female hacker. The girl who played with fire: As computer hacker Lisbeth and journalist Mikael investigate a sex-trafficking ring, Lisbeth is accused of three murders, causing her to go on the run while Mikael works to clear her name. The girl who kicked the hornet's nest: Lisbeth is recovering in a hospital and awaiting trial for three murders when she is released. Mikael must prove her innocence, but Lisbeth must be willing to share the details of her sordid experiences with the court
English subtitles
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