Brecht and critical theory dialectics and contemporary aesthetics
Material type:
- 9780415646154
- PT2603.R397 Z581874 2005

Includes bibliographical references (p. [190]-195) and index.
Brecht and language -- Marxism and rhetoric -- Brecht and postmodernism -- Verfremdungseffekt and unheimlich -- Psychoanalysis and class-consciousness -- Brecht and class -- Gestus, language, negation -- Marxism and science -- Lacanian gestus -- Dialectical images -- Dialectic at a standstill -- Jetztzeit -- Dialectical images -- Modelbooks -- Kafka's gestus -- Trauerspiel -- Brechtian Trauerspiel -- Mourning as a socially symbolic act -- Hamlet -- "Marx" das Unheimliche? -- Brecht and myth -- The structuralist activity -- The ruins of costume -- Brechtian photography -- Brecht and myth -- Numen and Punctum -- The maternal -- Fetishism -- Peaceable speech -- The art of living -- Seismology -- Brecht and narrative -- An ethics of marxism -- The political unconscious -- Contradiction -- Allegory's violence: Life of Galileo -- Jameson, Frye, anagogy -- Menippean satire -- Dialogism and the dialectic -- Der Dreigroschenroman -- Brecht and tragedy -- Dialectics in the theatre -- Negative dialectics -- Dialectical stereoscopy -- Adorno and Brecht -- Endgame -- Modern tragedy -- Brechtian tragedy.
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