Poor people`s medicine medicaid and American charity care since 1965
Material type:
- 9780822336952
- 368.4200973 22 EN-P
- RA412.4 .E54 2006
- 2006 D-348
- W 250 AA1

Includes bibliographical references (p. [289]-302) and index.
Antecedents: poverty and early poverty care programs -- Precursors to Medicare and Medicaid -- War on poverty and the genesis of Medicaid -- Hard-to-reach groups -- Redefining health -- Charity care and comprehensive reform under Nixon -- Health planning and community medicine in the 1970s -- Health and welfare reform in the Carter White House -- Block grants and the new federalism -- Recovering the cuts, managed care, and comprehensive reform -- Managed Medicaid, AIDS, and the Clinton health bill.
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