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Oxford handbook of the sources of international law

Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextSeries: Oxford handbooks onlinePublication details: Oxford University Press 2017 LondonDescription: 1 online resourceISBN:
  • 9780191860263
Other title:
  • Sources of international law
Subject(s): Additional physical formats: Print version :: No titleDDC classification:
  • 341.1 23
LOC classification:
  • KZ64
Online resources:
Introduction / Samantha Besson, Jean d'Aspremont -- Sources in the Anti-Formalist Tradition: A Prelude to Institutional Discourses in International Law / M�onica Garc�ia-Salmones Rovira -- Sources in the Anti-Formalist Tradition: 'That Monster Custom, Who Doth All Sense Doth Eat' / Upendra Baxi -- Sources in the Meta-History of International Law: A Phenomenological Reversal of Hegel—From Liberal Nihilism and the Anti-Metaphysics of Modernity to an Aristotelian Ethical Order / Anthony Carty, Anna Irene Baka -- Sources in the Meta-History of International Law: A Little Meta-Theory—Paradigms, Article 38, and the Sources of International Law / Mark Weston Janis -- Legal History as a Source: From Classical to Modern International Law / Robert Kolb -- Legal History as a Source: The Politics of Knowledge / Samuel Moyn -- Sources in Legal Positivist Theories: Law as Necessarily Posited and the Challenge of Customary Law Creation / David Lefkowitz -- Sources in Legal Positivist Theories: The Pure Theory's Structural Analysis of the Law / J�org Kammerhofer -- Sources in Legal Formalist Theories: The Poor Vehicle of Legal Forms / Jean d'Aspremont -- Sources in Legal Formalist Theories: Source Formality, With Special Attention to International Law / Frederick Schauer -- Sources in the Scholastic Legacy: Ius Naturae and Ius Gentium Revisited by Theologians / Peter Haggenmacher -- Sources in Interpretation Theories: The International Law-Making Process / Ingo Venzke -- Sources in Interpretation Theories: An Interdependent Relationship / Duncan B. Hollis -- Sources in the Meta-Theory of International Law: Exploring the Hermeneutics, Authority, and Publicness of International Law / Matthias Goldmann -- Sources in the Meta-Theory of International Law: Hermeneutical Conversations / Alexandra Kemmerer -- Legal Theory as a Source: Institutional Facts and the Identification of International Law / Iain Scobbie -- Legal Theory as a Source: Doctrine as Constitutive of International Law / Alain Papaux, Eric Wyler -- Sources and the Legality and Validity of International Law: What Makes Law 'International'? / Pierre d'Argent -- Sources and the Legality and Validity of International Law: Natural Law as Source of Extra-Positive Norms / Mary Ellen O'Connell, Caleb Day -- Sources and the Systematicity of International Law: A Philosophical Perspective / Michael Giudice -- Sources and the Systematicity of International Law / Gleider I. Hern�andez -- Sources in the Scholastic Legacy: The (Re)construction of the Ius Gentium in the Second Scholastic / Annabel Brett -- Sources and the Hierarchy of International Law: The Place of Peremptory Norms and Article 103 of the UN Charter Within the Sources of International Law / Erika de Wet -- Sources and the Hierarchy of International Law: Source Preferences and Scales of Values / Mario Prost -- Sources and the Normativity of International Law: A Post-Foundational Perspective / Detlef von Daniels -- Sources and the Normativity of International Law: From Validity to Justification / Nicole Roughan -- Sources and the Legitimate Authority of International Law: A Challenge to the 'Standard View'? / Richard Collins -- Sources and the Legitimate Authority of International Law: Democratic Legitimacy and the Sources of International Law / Jos�e Luis Mart�i -- Sources and the Subjects of International Law: A Plurality of Law-Making Participants / Robert McCorquodale -- Sources and the Subjects of International Law: The European Union's Semi-Autonomous System of Sources / Bruno de Witte -- Sources and the Enforcement of International Law: What Norms International Law-Enforcement Bodies Actually Invoke? / Yuval Shany -- Sources and the Enforcement of International Law: Domestic Courts—Another Brick in the Wall? / Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Eleni Methymaki -- Sources in the Modern Tradition: An Overview of the Sources of the Sources in the Classical Works of International Law / Dominique Gaurier -- Sources of International Human Rights Law: How General is General International Law? / Samantha Besson -- Sources of International Human Rights Law: Human Rights Treaties / Bruno Simma -- Sources of International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law: Specific Features / Rapha�el van Steenberghe -- Sources of International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law: War Crimes and the Limits of the Doctrine of Sources / Steven R. Ratner -- Sources of International Environmental Law: Formality and Informality in the Dynamic Evolution of IEL Norms / Catherine Redgwell -- Sources of International Environmental Law: Interactional Law / Jutta Brunn�ee -- Sources of International Organizations' Law: Reflections on Accountability / Jan Klabbers -- Sources of International Organizations' Law: Why Custom and General Principles are Crucial / August Reinisch -- Sources of International Trade Law: Sources of Law in WTO Dispute Settlement / Joost Pauwelyn -- Sources of International Trade Law: Understanding What the Vienna Convention Says About Identifying and Using 'Sources for Treaty Interpretation' / Donald H. Regan -- Sources in the Modern Tradition: The Nature of Europe's Classical Law of Nations / Randall Lesaffer -- Sources of International Investment Law: Theoretical Foundations of Unruly Practices / Jorge E. Vi�nuales -- Sources of International Investment Law: Multilateralization, Arbitral Precedent, Comparativism, Soft Law / Stephan W. Schill -- Sources of International Law in Domestic Law: Domestic Constitutional Structure and the Sources of International Law / Ingrid B. Wuerth -- Sources of International Law in Domestic Law: Relationship Between International and Municipal Law Sources / Cedric Ryngaert -- Sources in the 19th Century European Tradition: The Myth of Positivism / Miloš Vec -- Sources in the 19th Century European Tradition: Insights from Practice and Theory / Lauri M�alksoo -- The History of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice: 'A Purely Platonic Discussion'? / Ole Spiermann -- The History of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice: The Journey from the Past to the Present / Malgosia Fitzmaurice.
Summary: This Oxford Handbook examines the sources of international law, how the understanding of sources changed throughout the history of international law; how the main legal theories understood sources; the relationship between sources and the legitimacy of international law; and how sources differ across the various sub-areas of international law.
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Previously issued in print: 2017.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction / Samantha Besson, Jean d'Aspremont -- Sources in the Anti-Formalist Tradition: A Prelude to Institutional Discourses in International Law / M�onica Garc�ia-Salmones Rovira -- Sources in the Anti-Formalist Tradition: 'That Monster Custom, Who Doth All Sense Doth Eat' / Upendra Baxi -- Sources in the Meta-History of International Law: A Phenomenological Reversal of Hegel—From Liberal Nihilism and the Anti-Metaphysics of Modernity to an Aristotelian Ethical Order / Anthony Carty, Anna Irene Baka -- Sources in the Meta-History of International Law: A Little Meta-Theory—Paradigms, Article 38, and the Sources of International Law / Mark Weston Janis -- Legal History as a Source: From Classical to Modern International Law / Robert Kolb -- Legal History as a Source: The Politics of Knowledge / Samuel Moyn -- Sources in Legal Positivist Theories: Law as Necessarily Posited and the Challenge of Customary Law Creation / David Lefkowitz -- Sources in Legal Positivist Theories: The Pure Theory's Structural Analysis of the Law / J�org Kammerhofer -- Sources in Legal Formalist Theories: The Poor Vehicle of Legal Forms / Jean d'Aspremont -- Sources in Legal Formalist Theories: Source Formality, With Special Attention to International Law / Frederick Schauer -- Sources in the Scholastic Legacy: Ius Naturae and Ius Gentium Revisited by Theologians / Peter Haggenmacher -- Sources in Interpretation Theories: The International Law-Making Process / Ingo Venzke -- Sources in Interpretation Theories: An Interdependent Relationship / Duncan B. Hollis -- Sources in the Meta-Theory of International Law: Exploring the Hermeneutics, Authority, and Publicness of International Law / Matthias Goldmann -- Sources in the Meta-Theory of International Law: Hermeneutical Conversations / Alexandra Kemmerer -- Legal Theory as a Source: Institutional Facts and the Identification of International Law / Iain Scobbie -- Legal Theory as a Source: Doctrine as Constitutive of International Law / Alain Papaux, Eric Wyler -- Sources and the Legality and Validity of International Law: What Makes Law 'International'? / Pierre d'Argent -- Sources and the Legality and Validity of International Law: Natural Law as Source of Extra-Positive Norms / Mary Ellen O'Connell, Caleb Day -- Sources and the Systematicity of International Law: A Philosophical Perspective / Michael Giudice -- Sources and the Systematicity of International Law / Gleider I. Hern�andez -- Sources in the Scholastic Legacy: The (Re)construction of the Ius Gentium in the Second Scholastic / Annabel Brett -- Sources and the Hierarchy of International Law: The Place of Peremptory Norms and Article 103 of the UN Charter Within the Sources of International Law / Erika de Wet -- Sources and the Hierarchy of International Law: Source Preferences and Scales of Values / Mario Prost -- Sources and the Normativity of International Law: A Post-Foundational Perspective / Detlef von Daniels -- Sources and the Normativity of International Law: From Validity to Justification / Nicole Roughan -- Sources and the Legitimate Authority of International Law: A Challenge to the 'Standard View'? / Richard Collins -- Sources and the Legitimate Authority of International Law: Democratic Legitimacy and the Sources of International Law / Jos�e Luis Mart�i -- Sources and the Subjects of International Law: A Plurality of Law-Making Participants / Robert McCorquodale -- Sources and the Subjects of International Law: The European Union's Semi-Autonomous System of Sources / Bruno de Witte -- Sources and the Enforcement of International Law: What Norms International Law-Enforcement Bodies Actually Invoke? / Yuval Shany -- Sources and the Enforcement of International Law: Domestic Courts—Another Brick in the Wall? / Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Eleni Methymaki -- Sources in the Modern Tradition: An Overview of the Sources of the Sources in the Classical Works of International Law / Dominique Gaurier -- Sources of International Human Rights Law: How General is General International Law? / Samantha Besson -- Sources of International Human Rights Law: Human Rights Treaties / Bruno Simma -- Sources of International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law: Specific Features / Rapha�el van Steenberghe -- Sources of International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law: War Crimes and the Limits of the Doctrine of Sources / Steven R. Ratner -- Sources of International Environmental Law: Formality and Informality in the Dynamic Evolution of IEL Norms / Catherine Redgwell -- Sources of International Environmental Law: Interactional Law / Jutta Brunn�ee -- Sources of International Organizations' Law: Reflections on Accountability / Jan Klabbers -- Sources of International Organizations' Law: Why Custom and General Principles are Crucial / August Reinisch -- Sources of International Trade Law: Sources of Law in WTO Dispute Settlement / Joost Pauwelyn -- Sources of International Trade Law: Understanding What the Vienna Convention Says About Identifying and Using 'Sources for Treaty Interpretation' / Donald H. Regan -- Sources in the Modern Tradition: The Nature of Europe's Classical Law of Nations / Randall Lesaffer -- Sources of International Investment Law: Theoretical Foundations of Unruly Practices / Jorge E. Vi�nuales -- Sources of International Investment Law: Multilateralization, Arbitral Precedent, Comparativism, Soft Law / Stephan W. Schill -- Sources of International Law in Domestic Law: Domestic Constitutional Structure and the Sources of International Law / Ingrid B. Wuerth -- Sources of International Law in Domestic Law: Relationship Between International and Municipal Law Sources / Cedric Ryngaert -- Sources in the 19th Century European Tradition: The Myth of Positivism / Miloš Vec -- Sources in the 19th Century European Tradition: Insights from Practice and Theory / Lauri M�alksoo -- The History of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice: 'A Purely Platonic Discussion'? / Ole Spiermann -- The History of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice: The Journey from the Past to the Present / Malgosia Fitzmaurice.

This Oxford Handbook examines the sources of international law, how the understanding of sources changed throughout the history of international law; how the main legal theories understood sources; the relationship between sources and the legitimacy of international law; and how sources differ across the various sub-areas of international law.


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