Corporate governance an international perspective

Corporate governance an international perspective - Berlin Springer 2014

Part I: Corporate Governance in Europe -- Part II: Corporate governance in Africa -- Part III: Corporate Governance in Asia -- Part IV: Final Words.

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This book brings together a representative collection of perspectives on the way how corporate governance is being aligned with the social responsibility of an organization and the accountability of its management both in large corporations and in medium sized businesses. Examples are given from various industries and branches as well as from different countries and regions across the globe. All examples are commented and explained in detail. Written by a group of selected academic teachers this book is suitable for adoption as a resource for a case driven approach to teaching "Corporate Governance" courses at an upper undergraduate or graduate level.


10.1007/978-3-642-45167-6 doi

Business planning.
Economics/Management Science.
Business Strategy/Leadership.
Emerging Markets/Globalization.
Non-Profit Enterprises/Corporate Social Responsibility.


O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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