Legal grounds natural resources, identity, and the law in Jharkhand
Legal grounds natural resources, identity, and the law in Jharkhand
edited by Nandini Sundar
- New Delhi Oxford University Press 2009
Includes bibliographical references (p. [229]-246) and index.
Contributed articles.
9780198062066 0198062060
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office Rs650.00
Conservation of natural resources--Law and legislation--India--Jharkhand.
Identity politics.
Culture and law.
KNU9012.6 / .L44 2009
Includes bibliographical references (p. [229]-246) and index.
Contributed articles.
9780198062066 0198062060
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office Rs650.00
Conservation of natural resources--Law and legislation--India--Jharkhand.
Identity politics.
Culture and law.
KNU9012.6 / .L44 2009