Kissi se na Kehna

Mukherjee, Hrishikesh

Kissi se na Kehna - New Delhi Eagle Home Entertainment 1983 - 1 videodisc (134 min.) sd. col. 4 3/4 in. viewing copy

Originally produced as motion picture in 1983

"Kissi Se Na Kehna" servas the purpnse of providing deeent entertainment and conveying a social has its sh are of light momenls and excitement backed by strung direction and superb acting perlormances....To save
his only so11 Ramesh {Faroouqe Sheikh) from getting spoilt, Kailasbpati decides to get him married. In this endeavour,
he meots weslernized gids. Disappointed, he deeidas he would get his so n married toa girl who does not speak
English and is lraditionaJ in all ways. But Ramesh already is in love wi!h a well-educated girl, Dr. Ramala Sharma (Deepli Naval). Torn between Father and his love, Ramesh goes to Lalaji {Saeed Jafferi), his father's friend for lmlp. lalaji suggests tulrick Kailashpali, by partraying Ramola as a daughter of villago pundit. Every!hing goes according to their plan. They get married and than st arts a storm of events to l'lve the lia. Ramola dues this for the sake of her love. But she livesundera COIIStanl fear of being caught by Kailashpati. Watch Kissi SeNa Kehna to lind out what happens when the city Bahu portrays to be someone she really isn't. Does the lather give in? A must watch.

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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