All England law reports
All England law reports
Added t.p., v. 1-8, 11: Law reporter
- Nagpur Lexis Nexis 1860-1948
- 177v 25-27cm
- Vol. 1 (Nov. 1859 to Mar. 1860)-v. 177 (July to Dec. 1947).
Many vols. include a section entitled: Statutes of the United Kingdom, some v. include statutory rules and court rules.
Vols. 1-17 called new series, v. 1-4 also carry vol. designation of the "old series", v. 35-v. 38.
Merged with: All England law reports of cases decided in the House of Lords, the Privy Council, all divisions of the Supreme Court, and courts of special jurisdiction; to form: All England law reports. Issued in conjuction with: The law times (London, England), continues vols. 1-34 of The law times reports [old series] which were issued as part of and bound with The law times.
Law reports, digests, etc.--Great Britain.
Many vols. include a section entitled: Statutes of the United Kingdom, some v. include statutory rules and court rules.
Vols. 1-17 called new series, v. 1-4 also carry vol. designation of the "old series", v. 35-v. 38.
Merged with: All England law reports of cases decided in the House of Lords, the Privy Council, all divisions of the Supreme Court, and courts of special jurisdiction; to form: All England law reports. Issued in conjuction with: The law times (London, England), continues vols. 1-34 of The law times reports [old series] which were issued as part of and bound with The law times.
Law reports, digests, etc.--Great Britain.