Supreme court cases

Supreme court cases - Lucknow Eastern Book Company 2000 - p 25cm

Vols. 10- by: Surendra Malik and Sudeep Malik.

vol. 1. "A" to "Arbitration" -- vol. 2. "Armed forces" to "CPC, 1908, S. 80" -- vol. 3. "CPC 1908, S. 81 to Or. 40" -- vol. 4. "CPC 1908, Or. 41 to Constitution, Art. 14" -- vol. 5. "Constitution, Art. 14 to Art. 18" -- vol. 6. Constitution, Art. 19 to Art. 22 -- vol. 7. Constitution, Art. 25 to Art. 123 -- vol. 8. Constitution, Art. 124 to Ar. 141 -- vol. 9. Constitution, Art. 142 to Art. 226 -- vol. 10. Constitution, Art. 227 to Ar. 299 and Sch. VII -- vol. 11. Constitution, Art. 300 to end and constitutional interpretation to constitutional rights -- vol. 12. Constitutional statutes and orders to contract and specific relief -- vol. 13. Contract and specific relief to corporate laws -- vol. 14. Corporate laws to courts, tribunals, and judiciary -- vol. 15. Courts, tribunals, and judiciary to criminal law -- vol. 16. Criminal law, Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Section 1 to Section 228) -- v. 17. Criminal law, Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Section 229 to Section 433-A)


Rs6165.00 (v. 1-9)


Law reports, digests, etc--India

KNS18.5 / .I53 2000

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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