Casting the net wider : human rights, development and new duty-bearers /
Casting the net wider : human rights, development and new duty-bearers /
edited by Margot E. Salomon, Arne Tostensen, Wouter Vandenhole.
- Antwerp : Intersentia, 2007
"This book has been produced under the auspices of European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), within the framework of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI). COST Action A28 'Human rights, peace and security in EU foreign policy' greatly facilitated our work toward completion of the book ..."--P.v
Includes bibliographic references and index.
Human rights, development and new duty-bearers / The three pillars of the United Nations : security, development and human rights / Terrorism and poverty : is there a casual relationship? / Does human rights-based development make a difference? / EU and development : extraterritorial obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights / Human rights in EU development cooperation : a practitioner's perspective / Conditional partners? Human rights in EU-ACP relations / International economic governance and human rights accountability / The Bretton Woods institutions : human rights and the PRSPs / Securing intellectual property objectives : new approaches to human rights considerations / A poverty perspective on human rights and business / Project financing in developing countries : economics, morals and law / Poverty, human rights and justice sector reform in Kenya and Uganda / A human rights-based approach to poverty reduction in Macedonia / The right to education : instrumental right par excellence / The right to health and the MDGs : confronting HIV/AIDS in Africa / From 'sacred commitment' to justiciable norms : indigenous people's rights in the inter-American system / New human rights duty-bearers : a conversation on policy implications / Margot E. Salomon, Arne Tostensen and Wouter Vandenhole -- Manfred Nowak -- Ivan Manokha -- Hans-Otto Sano -- Wouter Vandenhole -- Mercedes García Pérez -- Hugo Stokke -- Margot E. Salomon -- Arne Tostensen -- Ruth L. Okediji -- Karin Buhmann -- Tom Sorell -- Bärd A. Andreassen -- Karin Lukas -- Maija Mustaniemi-Laakso -- Nsongurua J. Udombana -- Fergus MacKay -- Hadewych Hazelzet, Margot E. Salomon, Arne Tostensen and Wouter Vandenhole.
9789050957182 hbk.
Social responsibility of business--Developing countries.
Business ethics--Developing countries.
International business enterprises--Moral and ethical aspects--Developing countries.
Human rights--International cooperation.
Human rights--Economic aspects--Developing countries.
Human rights--Moral and ethical aspects.
Globalization--Moral and ethical aspects.
Human rights--European Union countries.
Law and economic development.
"This book has been produced under the auspices of European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), within the framework of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI). COST Action A28 'Human rights, peace and security in EU foreign policy' greatly facilitated our work toward completion of the book ..."--P.v
Includes bibliographic references and index.
Human rights, development and new duty-bearers / The three pillars of the United Nations : security, development and human rights / Terrorism and poverty : is there a casual relationship? / Does human rights-based development make a difference? / EU and development : extraterritorial obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights / Human rights in EU development cooperation : a practitioner's perspective / Conditional partners? Human rights in EU-ACP relations / International economic governance and human rights accountability / The Bretton Woods institutions : human rights and the PRSPs / Securing intellectual property objectives : new approaches to human rights considerations / A poverty perspective on human rights and business / Project financing in developing countries : economics, morals and law / Poverty, human rights and justice sector reform in Kenya and Uganda / A human rights-based approach to poverty reduction in Macedonia / The right to education : instrumental right par excellence / The right to health and the MDGs : confronting HIV/AIDS in Africa / From 'sacred commitment' to justiciable norms : indigenous people's rights in the inter-American system / New human rights duty-bearers : a conversation on policy implications / Margot E. Salomon, Arne Tostensen and Wouter Vandenhole -- Manfred Nowak -- Ivan Manokha -- Hans-Otto Sano -- Wouter Vandenhole -- Mercedes García Pérez -- Hugo Stokke -- Margot E. Salomon -- Arne Tostensen -- Ruth L. Okediji -- Karin Buhmann -- Tom Sorell -- Bärd A. Andreassen -- Karin Lukas -- Maija Mustaniemi-Laakso -- Nsongurua J. Udombana -- Fergus MacKay -- Hadewych Hazelzet, Margot E. Salomon, Arne Tostensen and Wouter Vandenhole.
9789050957182 hbk.
Social responsibility of business--Developing countries.
Business ethics--Developing countries.
International business enterprises--Moral and ethical aspects--Developing countries.
Human rights--International cooperation.
Human rights--Economic aspects--Developing countries.
Human rights--Moral and ethical aspects.
Globalization--Moral and ethical aspects.
Human rights--European Union countries.
Law and economic development.