Exploring post-development : theory and practice, problems and perspectives /

Exploring post-development : theory and practice, problems and perspectives / edited by Aram Ziai. - London : Routledge, 2007.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Development discourse and its critics: an introduction to post-development / Aram Ziai -- 'Post-development' as concept and social practice / Arturo Escobar -- Development: the devil we know? / Knut G. Nustad -- Post-development and the discourse-agency interface / Jon Harald Sande Lie -- On the singular name of post-development: Serge Latouche's Destruktion of development and the possibility of emancipation / Yoshihiro Nakano -- Pacific indigenous development and post-intentional realities / Susan Maiava and Trevor King -- Post-development and further: difference from 'inside' and autonomy / Luciole Sauviat -- The ambivalence of post-development: between reactionary populism and radical democracy / Aram Ziai -- What, then, should we do? Insights and experiences of a Senegalese NGO / Sally Matthews -- Surplus possibilities: post-development and community economies / J.K. Gibson-Graham -- Plachimada resistance: a post-development social movement metaphor? / K. Ravi Raman -- Comida: a narrative mirror for the universal concept of nutrition / Martina Kaller- Dietrich -- Post-development: unveiling clues for a possible future / Ana Agostino -- Development, internationalism and social movements a view from the North / Friederike Habermann and Aram Ziai -- Concluding the exploration: post-development reconsidered / Aram Ziai.

9780415417648 hbk.


GBA6A4008 bnb

013624189 Uk

Social change--Developing countries.
Economic development.
Sustainable development.

Developing countries--Economic conditions.
Developing countries--Social conditions.

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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