Transnational feminism in film and media

Transnational feminism in film and media - New York Palgrave Macmillan 2007 - xviii,248p. ill. ; 22 cm. - Comparative feminist studies series .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Screening unlivable lives: the cinema of borders / Imogen Tyler and Bruce Bennett -- 2. Border traffic: reimagining the voyage to Italy / Aine O'Healy -- 3. Cinema without frontiers: transnational women's filmmaking in Iran and Turkey / Asuman Suner -- 4. The refusal of reproduction: paradoxes of becoming-woman in transnational Moroccan filmmaking / Patricia Pisters -- 5. Enter freely, and of your own will: cinematic representations of post-socialist transnational journeys / Alice Mihaela Bardan -- 6. Womens resistance strategies in a high-tech multicultural Europe / Ginette Verstraete -- 7. Videographies of navigating geobodies / Ursula Biemann -- 8. Affective nationalism? and transnational post-communist lesbian visual activism / Aniko Imre -- 9. Long-legged girls and the transnational circuits of Vietnamese popular culture / Lan Duong -- 10. Palatable foreignness / Katarzyna Marciniak --11. Translating silences: a cinematic encounter with incommensurable difference / Priya Jaikumar -- 12. The abjection of patriarchy: Ibolya Fekete's Chico and the transnational feminist imaginary / Marguerite Waller.



Women in motion pictures.
Feminism and motion pictures.

791.43082 / TR-

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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