Shari`a politics islamic law and society in the modern world

Shari`a politics islamic law and society in the modern world - Bloomington Indiana University Press 2011 - 329p.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction : Shariʻa politics--law and society in the modern muslim world / Saudi Arabia : public, civil, and individual Shariʻa in law and politics / Egypt : cacophony and consensus in the twenty-first century / Iran : Shariʻa politics and the transformation of Islamic law / Turkey : Islam without shariʻa? / Afghanistan : the local and the global in the practice of Shariʻa / Pakistan : Shariʻa and the state / Nigeria : mapping a Shariʻa restorationist movement / Indonesia : Shariʻa politics and democratic transition / Robert W. Hefner -- Frank E. Vogel -- Nathan J. Brown -- Bahman Baktiari -- M. Hakan Yavuz -- T. Barfield -- Muhammad Qasim Zaman -- Paul M. Lubeck -- Robert W. Hefner.


Islam and politics.
Islam and state.
Islam and world politics.
Islamic law.

297.272 / SH-

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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