Law of raw data /

Law of raw data / edited by Christian Czychowski and Jan Bernd Nordemann. - The Netherlands : Kluwer Law International B.V., 2021. - AIPPI law series . - AIPPI law series .

"Data, in its raw or unstructured form, has become an important and valuable economic asset, lending it the sobriquet of 'the oil of the twenty-first century'. Clearly, as intellectual property, raw data must be legally defined if not somehow protected to ensure that its access and re-use can be subject to legal relations. As legislators struggle to develop a settled legal regime in this complex area, this indispensable handbook will offer a careful and dedicated analysis of the legal instruments and remedies, both existing and potential, that provide such protection across a wide variety of national legal systems."--

9789403532806 hbk.

Big data
Intellectual property
Data protection--Law and legislation

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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