Constitutional chaff rejected suggestions of the constitutional convention of 1787, with explanatory argument

Constitutional chaff rejected suggestions of the constitutional convention of 1787, with explanatory argument - New York Columbia University Press 1941 - 197p. 24 cm.

"The source of the notes from which this book was compiled is, Documents illustrative of the formation of the union of the American states, House documents no. 398, 69th Congress, first session."--Pref. Appendices: A. What the authors of the Constitution thought about the power of the courts to declare laws unconstitutional.--B. What the authors of the Constitution thought about a limitation on the number of terms for the president.--C. Character sketches of the delegates to the Constitutional convention, by Major William Pierce.--D. The Constitution of the United States.


United States--Constitution.

JK141 1941

342.20973 / CO-

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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