India`s turn understanding the economic transformation

Subramanian, Arvind

India`s turn understanding the economic transformation - New York Oxford University Press 2008 - xvii,237p. ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

From 'Hindu growth' to productivity surge : the mystery of the Indian growth transition / India's pattern of development : what happened, what follows? / The evolution of institutions in India and its relationship with economic growth -- Why India can grow at 7 per cent a year or more? : projections and reflections / Uruguay round text in perspective / Jagdish Bhagwati and India's trade strategy today : or the case for a US-India free trade agreement / Putting some numbers on the TRIPS pharmaceutical debate -- Capital account convertibility : a neglected consideration. with Dani Rodrik -- with Kaplan Kochhar ... [et al.] -- with Dani Rodrik -- with Harsha V. Singh -- with Aaditya Mattoo -- Pt. 1. India's growth -- Pt. 2. India's globalization --

On economic policies pursued in Indian economy post 1991 watershed year; articles co-authored with many other writers.


Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office Rs595.00


GBA978060 bnb

014677673 Uk

India--Economic policy--1991-
Inde--Conditions économiques.
Inde--Politique économique.

330.954 / SU-I

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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