Practising social work ethics around the world cases and commentaries
Practising social work ethics around the world cases and commentaries
- London Routledge 2012
- xxxi,264p. 24 cm.
Global ethics for social work? A case-based approach / Sarah Banks -- Negotiating roles and boundaries : introduction / Frank Philippart -- Respecting rights : introduction / Linda Briskman and María Jesús Úriz Pemán -- Being fair : introduction / Frederic Reamer -- Challenging and developing organizations : introduction / Donna McAuliffe -- Working with policy and politics : introduction / Derek Clifford -- Working with cases and commentaries : introduction / Kirsten Nøhr.
Social service--Moral and ethical aspects--Case studies.
Social workers--Professional ethics--Case studies.
Social Work--ethics--Case Reports.
Internationality--Case Reports.
HV10.5 / .P695 2012
174.93613 / PR-
W 322
Global ethics for social work? A case-based approach / Sarah Banks -- Negotiating roles and boundaries : introduction / Frank Philippart -- Respecting rights : introduction / Linda Briskman and María Jesús Úriz Pemán -- Being fair : introduction / Frederic Reamer -- Challenging and developing organizations : introduction / Donna McAuliffe -- Working with policy and politics : introduction / Derek Clifford -- Working with cases and commentaries : introduction / Kirsten Nøhr.
Social service--Moral and ethical aspects--Case studies.
Social workers--Professional ethics--Case studies.
Social Work--ethics--Case Reports.
Internationality--Case Reports.
HV10.5 / .P695 2012
174.93613 / PR-
W 322