Twentieth century Russia reader

Twentieth century Russia reader - London Routledge 2011 - x,353p. 26 cm. - Routledge readers in history . - Routledge readers in history. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The problem of social stability in urban Russia, 1905-1917 / Leopold Haimson -- Autocracy in crisis : Nicholas the last / Sarah Badcock -- Russia, Europe and World War I / Dominic Lieven -- The three traditions and revisionism / Edward Acton -- The Russian Revolution : broadening understandings of 1917 / Sarah Badcock -- Revision and retreat in the historiography of 1917 : social history and its critics / Ronald Grigor Suny -- Violent Russia, deadly Marxism : Russia in the epoch of violence / Peter Holquist -- The civil war as a formative experience / Sheila Fitzpatrick -- Stalinism and the Stalin period after the "archival revolution" / Oleg Khlevniuk -- The great terror : suicide or murder? / E A Rees -- Speaking out : languages of affirmation and dissent in Stalinist / Jochen Hellbeck -- Speaking Bolshevik / Stephen Kotkin -- Soviet security policy in the 1930s / Teddy Uldricks. Patriotic War, 1941 to 1945 / Mark Harrison and John Barber -- Russian archival revelations and our understanding of the Cold War / Jonathan Haslam -- Bruce Menning a decade half-full : post-Cold War studies in Russian and Soviet military history / Bruce Menning -- The 'new Soviet man' turns pessimist / John Bushnell -- Soviet dissent under Krushchev / Robert Cutler -- The material existence of Soviet Samizdat / Ann Komaromi -- Brezhnev reconsidered / Edwin Bacon and Mark Sandle -- The national question, the coup and the collapse of the Soviet Union / Archie Brown -- Gorbachev and the end of the Cold War : perspectives on history and personality / Vladislav Zubok -- Comrades into citizens? : Russian political culture and public support for the transition / Donna Bahry -- Overcoming the Yeltsin legacy / Eugene Huskey.



Soviet Union--History.
Russia--History--20th century.

DK266 / .T94 2011

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O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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