Spinning the law trying cases in the court of public opinion
Coffey, Kendall
Spinning the law trying cases in the court of public opinion - Amherst Prometheus Books 2010 - 404p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Dead man voting and the ABC's of law spin -- Spinning cases through the ages -- The O.J. revolution -- Elian Gonzalez : the battle for the child and for public opinion -- Political litigation and changing history : from hanging chads to missing e-votes -- Open trials : press freedom or press free for all? -- Defense lawyers : the underdogs and their uphill strategies -- The case studies : a "human monster," a domestic diva, the King of the Court, the King of Pop, and Governor Blabbermouth -- Prosecutors and the press -- Pop law : legal myths and the media -- A media primer for spinners.
Public relations and law--United States.
Mass media and public opinion--United States.
Free press and fair trial--United States.
347.750973 / CO-S
Spinning the law trying cases in the court of public opinion - Amherst Prometheus Books 2010 - 404p.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Dead man voting and the ABC's of law spin -- Spinning cases through the ages -- The O.J. revolution -- Elian Gonzalez : the battle for the child and for public opinion -- Political litigation and changing history : from hanging chads to missing e-votes -- Open trials : press freedom or press free for all? -- Defense lawyers : the underdogs and their uphill strategies -- The case studies : a "human monster," a domestic diva, the King of the Court, the King of Pop, and Governor Blabbermouth -- Prosecutors and the press -- Pop law : legal myths and the media -- A media primer for spinners.
Public relations and law--United States.
Mass media and public opinion--United States.
Free press and fair trial--United States.
347.750973 / CO-S