Freedom of speech in the United States

Tedford, Thomas L

Freedom of speech in the United States - New York McGraw-Hill 1993 - xvii,425p.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Historical Development. Freedom of Speech: The English Heritage. Control of Communicators. Control of Content. Technological Constraints: Licensing and Copyright. Freedom of Speech in America to World War I. Freedom of Speech in Colonial America. The Adoption of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Freedom of Speech in the New Nation: From the Alien and Sedition Acts to World War I -- Controls Upon the Content of Speech. Political Heresy: Sedition in the United States since 1917. From World War I to World War II: Suppressing Political Dissent, 1917-1940. From the Smith Act of 1940 to the Present: The Hazardous Road to Expanded Freedom. Political Heresy: Related Topics. Defamation and Invasion of Privacy. Speech That Defames: The Traditional Law of Slander and Libel. Defamation Law Meets the First Amendment. Speech That Invades Privacy. Pt. I. Ch. 1. I. II. III. Ch. 2. I. II. III. Pt. II. Ch. 3. I. II. III. Ch. 4. I. II. III. The Special Issue of Emotional Distress. Religio-Moral Heresy: From Blasphemy to Obscenity. The Religio-Moral Heresy of Blasphemy. The Religio-Moral Heresy of Darwinism. The Religio-Moral Heresy of "Immoral" Ideas. The Religio-Moral Heresy of "Obscenity" Provocation to Anger and Words That Wound. Provocation to Anger. Words That Wound: Abusive and Threatening Language. Commercial Speech. Federal Administrative Agencies and Commercial Speech. Commercial Speech and the Constitution -- Special Issues. Prior Restraint. Basic Issues of Prior Restraint. Film Review Boards and "Public Decency" National Security. The Duty to Obey. A Preview of Prior-Restraint Issues to Come. Special Problems of a Free Press. Free Press v. Fair Trial. Reporter's Privilege: The Protection of Sources and Notes. Access to Government Information and Meetings. IV. Ch. 5. I. II. III. IV. Ch. 6. I. II. Ch. 7. I. II. Pt. III. Ch. 8. I. II. III. IV. V. Ch. 9. I. II. III. Constraints of Time, Place, and Manner. Traditional Issues of Time, Place, and Manner. Special Issues of Free Speech in the Public Forum. Institutional Constraints: Freedom of Speech in the Schools, the Military, and Prisons. First Amendment Rights in the Schools. First Amendment Rights in the Military. First Amendment Rights in Prisons. Technology and Free Speech - Part I: Copyright. General Principles of U.S. Copyright Law. Copyright Law and the First Amendment. Technology and Free Speech - Part II: Broadcasting and Access Theory. Broadcasting. Modern Technology and the "Marketplace of Ideas" Conclusion. Approaches to Free and Responsible Communication. Theories of Freedom of Speech. The Responsible Exercise of Freedom of Speech: A Coordinate Area of Study. Appendix I: The Federal Court System of the United States -- Ch. 10. I. II. Ch. 11. I. II. III. Ch. 12. I. II. Ch. 13. I. II. Pt. IV. Ch. 14. I. II. Appendix II: Judicial Decision Making: The Two-Level Theory for Testing Freedom of Speech -- Table of Cases.


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