Institutions and regulation for economic growth? public interests versus public incentives

Institutions and regulation for economic growth? public interests versus public incentives - Cheltenham Edward Elgar 2011 - xi,218p. ill. ; 24 cm.

"In association with the Belgian-Dutch Association for Institutional and Political Economy."

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Do rules and regulations bind or boost economic growth? / Emiel F.M. Wubben -- Part One : Intellectual property rights -- IPR regulations in need of revision / Piet Schalkwijk -- Breeder's rights and patents : competing IPR systems that mean to stimulate innovation / Niels P. Louwaars and Hans J.M. Dons -- The role and contribution of intellectual property rights in the process of spillover of knowledge, knowledge valorization and regional economic development / P.H. van Dongen -- Part Two : General food law -- Food legislation and competitiveness in the EU food industry / Jo H.M. Wijnands ... [et al.] -- The EU precautionary principle impacts both food safety and market entry and competitiveness / Miguel Ángel Recuerda Girela -- Public mandatory and private voluntary standards : challenge or opportunity for small-scale farmers' participation in global supply chains? / Margret Will -- How to reconcile public risks and private interests in the banking industry / Marco van Hengel and Klaas Knot -- The use of capital requirements to reconcile social and private interests in the banking industry / Maarten Gelderman -- The macroeconomics of the credit crisis : in search of externalities for macro prudential supervision / Frank A.G. den Butter.



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