Backstage practices of transnational law

Backstage practices of transnational law - Oxon Routledge 2019 - xi, 183p. illustrations 24 cm - Routledge research in international law .

Includes index.

Backstage practices of transnational law / Lianne J.M. Boer and Sofia Stolk -- Hashtags and handshakes in the ICC / Jillian Dobson -- The pace of law (in a transnational time) / Geoff Gordon -- Let us save our good project : looking at an international law gathering to workshop chapters for a volume / John D. Haskell -- "All the world's a stage" : constituting international justice at the ICC's assembly of states / Marieke de Hoon and Kjersti Lohne -- Academic travel and exclusion in the backstage of transnational legal practice / Jessica C. Lawrence -- Blind justice and the portraits on the wall / Sarah-Jane Koulen -- Logistics of participation in international law / Amin Parsa -- Insta-scholarship : the self-branding practices of the "digital humanitarian" / Christine Schwöbel-Patel -- A walk along the rue de la loi : EU façades as front- and backstage of transnational legal practice / Renske Vos -- Moot courts, theatre and rehearsal practices / Wouter Werner -- Epilogue : critical intimacy and the performance of international law / Anne Orford.



International law--Methodology

KZ1284 / .B33 2019

341 / BA-

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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