Health measurement scales a practical guide to their development and use
Streiner, David L
Health measurement scales a practical guide to their development and use - 5th - New York Oxford University Press 2015 - xiii, 399 p. illustrations 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
GBB4A3660 bnb
101651313 DNLM 016876723 Uk
Health status indicators--Measurement.
Health surveys.
Public health--Evaluation.
Medical care--Evaluation.
Epidemiologic Methods.
Health Status Indicators.
362.10723 / ST-H
2015 B-152 WA 950
Health measurement scales a practical guide to their development and use - 5th - New York Oxford University Press 2015 - xiii, 399 p. illustrations 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
GBB4A3660 bnb
101651313 DNLM 016876723 Uk
Health status indicators--Measurement.
Health surveys.
Public health--Evaluation.
Medical care--Evaluation.
Epidemiologic Methods.
Health Status Indicators.
362.10723 / ST-H
2015 B-152 WA 950