Policing insurgencies cops as counterinsurgents

Policing insurgencies cops as counterinsurgents - New Delhi Oxford University Press 2014 - xii, 362 p. illustrations (black and white), 1 map (black and white) 22 cm - The Oxford international relations in South Asia series .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

When the police are the problem : the Philippine constabulary and the Hukbalahap Rebellion / Walter C. Ladwig III -- The police must be part of the people and the people part of the police : policing in the Malayan emergency, 1948-60 / Kumar Ramakrishna -- Policing in Kenya during the Mau Mau emergency, 1952-60 / Huw Bennett and Andrew Mumford -- The role of the Royal Ulster Constabulary in Northern Ireland / Mark Cochrane -- Problems and potential : the role of the police in the Colombian Insurgency / Jennifer Morrison Taw -- Policy capacity and insurgency in Pakistan / Adnan Naseemullah -- The police in Afghanistan, 2002-11 /Austin Long -- The role of police in counterinsurgency operations in Iraq, 2003-6 / Matt Sherman and Josh Paul -- The Punjab police and counterinsurgency against Sikh militants in India : the successful convergence of interests, identities, and institutions / Jugdep S. Chima -- The police and India's Maoist insurgency / Arvind Verma -- Police in counterinsurgency : the challenge of comprehensive reformation / David P. Fidler.



GBB410066 bnb

Counterinsurgency--Case studies.
Police--Special weapons and tactics units--Case studies.
Police--Special weapons and tactics units.
Militära operationer.

Case studies.

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