Religion and international law living together

Religion and international law living together - Leiden Brill 2018 - xiii,383p. 24 cm

" ... the volume originates from the long-standing cooperation between the German and French Societes of International Law ... on 4 and 5 November 2016, both Societies organized a colloquium on "Religion and International Law" in Regensburg..." --Preface, Page x.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Religious rights between international law and constitutional law : a system of communicating vessels - from premodern historical evidence to a reassessment of doctrine / Stephan Wendehorst -- A right of infidels to establish their own state? : remarks on the writing of Pulus Vladimiri and Francisco De Vitoria / Wladyslaw Czaplinski -- Le saint siege en tant que sujet et acteur de droit international / Jean-Pierre Schouppe -- Liberte religieuse en islam : l'apostasie dans les pays arabes / Nathalie Bernard-Maugiron -- Les organes de protection des droits de l'homme des nations unies face a la religion / Ludovic Hennebel -- The European Court of Human Rights and freedom of religion / Angelika Nussberger -- Le systeme interamericain des droits de l'homme face aux religions / Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen -- La liberte de religion : marge d'appreciation et mesures positives des etats / Christoph Grabenwarter -- Religious profiling, statistical discrimination and the fight against terrorism in public international law / Antje von Ungern-Sternberg -- La protection de l'heritage culturel religieux en droit international / Claas Friedrich Germelmann -- Blasphemy and hate speech : clarifications of international human rights law standards / Eleni Polymenopoulou -- Freedom of expression : theory and practice in the Islamic realm / Irmgard Marboe -- Is religion a threat to human rights? or is it the other way around? : defending individual autonomy in the ECtHR's jurisprudence on freedom of religion / Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque and Andrea Scoseria Katz -- Discrimination in the name of religion in employment and occupation : an ILO perspective / Ninon Colneric -- Religion et droits des femmes : le concordat n'aura pas lieu / Sophie Grosbon -- Religious freedom and parental rights in a pluralist society / Dagmar Richter -- Les influences reciproques entre religion(s) et droit international / Emmanuel Decaux -- Religion and international law : strengthening and enhancing a comparative approach / Christian Walter.



Freedom of religion (International law)--Congresses.
Freedom of religion--Congresses.
International law and human rights--Congresses.
Freedom of religion--Europe--Congresses.

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