Out of this earth East India Adivasis and the aluminium cartel

Padel, Felix

Out of this earth East India Adivasis and the aluminium cartel - New Delhi Orient BlackSwan 2010

Includes bibliographical references (p. [693]-719) and index.

pt. 1. Sustainable lifestyles in an age of aluminium -- pt. 2. Niyam Raja meets the world-wide web : aluminium's social structure -- pt. 3. 'Aluminium for defence and prosperity' -- pt. 4. Company rule and the system of endemic exploitation -- pt. 5. Movements for life.


Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office


Aluminum mines and mining--Social aspects--India--Odisha.
Aluminum mines and mining--Environmental asepcts--India--Odisha.
Internally displaced persons--India--Odisha.
Adivasis--Social conditions.--India--Odisha

HD9539.A63 / I466 2010 DS432.A2 / P33 2010

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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