About Raymond Williams

About Raymond Williams - London Routledge 2010 - x,196p. 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Raymond Williams : towards cultural materialism : an introduction / Roman Horak and Monika Seidl -- Raymond Williams and the absent modernity / Lawrence Grossberg -- All forms of signification / John Storey -- The perspectives of radical democracy : Raymond Williams' work and its significance for a critical social theory / Rainer Winter -- The 1968 May Day manifesto / Stephen Woodhams -- Fellow-travelers at the conjunction : Williams and educational communicators / Christopher Joseph Westgate -- The pedagogy of cultural materialism : Paulo Freire and Raymond Williams / Hywel Rowland Dix -- Raymond Williams and online video : the tragedy of technology / Georgiana Banita -- Cultural studies and common culture : Raymond Williams' approach towards media cultural studies / Udo Göttlich -- Even the dead will not be safe : on dis(re)membering Williams / John Higgins -- Raymond Williams in the South Atlantic / Clara Masnatta -- Williams and ecology / H. Gustav Klaus -- Cultural studies is ordinary / Gilbert B. Rodman -- Raymond Williams : reading novels as knowable communities / Ana Clara Birrento.




Williams, Raymond--Knowledge and learning.

Criticism--History--Great Britain--20th century.
Literature--History and criticism--Theory, etc.
Mass media criticism--Great Britain.
Historical materialism.

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