Private lawyers and the public interest the evolving role of pro bono in the legal profession

Private lawyers and the public interest the evolving role of pro bono in the legal profession Private lawyers & the public interest - New York Oxford University Press 2009 - xvi,327p., ill., 25cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Pro bono, the public good, and the legal professional : an introduction / Shaped by educational, professional, and social crises : the history of law student pro bono service / Good lawyering and lawyering for the good : lawyers' reflections on mandatory pro bono in law school / Priming for pro bono : the impact of law school on pro bono participation in practice / Lawyers' pro bono service and market-reliant legal aid / Pro bono as an elite strategy in early lawyer careers / institutionalization of pro bono in large law firms : trends and variation across the AmLaw 200 / Pro bono and low bono in the solo and small law firm context / Between profit and principle : the private public interest firm / Issues entrepreneurs : charisma, charisma-producing events, and the shaping of pro bono practice in large law firms / role of volunteer lawyers in challenging the conditions of a local housing crisis in Buffalo, NY / Rethinking the public in lawyers' public service : strategic philanthropy and the bottom line / Bar politics and pro bono definitions : the New York experience / Conflating the good with the public good : an essay / State, market, philanthropy, and self-help as legal services delivery mechanisms / Robert Granfield and Lynn Mather -- Cynthia Adcock -- Robert Granfield and Philip Veliz -- Deborah A. Schmedemann -- Rebecca L. Sandefur -- Ronit Dinovitzer and Bryant G. Garth -- Steven A. Boutcher -- Leslie C. Levin -- Scott L. Cummings and Ann Southworth -- Cynthia Fuchs Epstein -- James Clarke Gocker -- Deborah L. Rhode -- Cynthia Feathers -- John Henry Schlegel -- Richard L. Abel. The The



Public interest law--United States.

KF299.P8 / P745 2009

344.32580973 / PR-

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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