Standing guard a year in opposition
Chidambaram, P.
Standing guard a year in opposition - New Delhi Rupa 2016 - xx,206p. illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. - Express book series . - Express book series. .
"In this rare collection of essays a selection from his columns in The Indian express ..."--Front jacket flap. "The Express Group."
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office
India--Economic policy--1991-
India--Politics and government--21st century.
HC435.3 / .C568 2016
338.954 / CH-S
Standing guard a year in opposition - New Delhi Rupa 2016 - xx,206p. illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. - Express book series . - Express book series. .
"In this rare collection of essays a selection from his columns in The Indian express ..."--Front jacket flap. "The Express Group."
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office
India--Economic policy--1991-
India--Politics and government--21st century.
HC435.3 / .C568 2016
338.954 / CH-S