Dalit women speak out caste, class, and gender violence in India
Irudayam, Aloysius Mangubhai, Jayshree P Lee, Joel G
Dalit women speak out caste, class, and gender violence in India - New Delhi Zubaan 2014
"Condensed version of volume 1: Study report, which was published along with volume II. Case narratives (detailed) and volume III. Case narratives ... in November 2006"--Page xvii.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [436]-442).
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office
Dalit women--Violence against--India.
Dalit women--Social conditions--India.
HT720 / .I774 2011
Dalit women speak out caste, class, and gender violence in India - New Delhi Zubaan 2014
"Condensed version of volume 1: Study report, which was published along with volume II. Case narratives (detailed) and volume III. Case narratives ... in November 2006"--Page xvii.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [436]-442).
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office
Dalit women--Violence against--India.
Dalit women--Social conditions--India.
HT720 / .I774 2011