Law and social theory

Law and social theory - 2nd - Oxford Hart 2013

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction / Reza Banakar and Max Travers -- Classical Sociology of Law. The problematisation of law in classical social theory / Alan Hunt -- Sociological jurisprudence / A. Javier Treviäno -- Systems theory. The radical sociology of Niklas Luhmann / Michael King -- The legal theory of Jèurgen Habermas : between the philosophy and the sociology of law / Mathieu Deflem -- Critical approaches. Marxism and the social theory of law / Robert Fine -- Pierre Bourdieu's sociology of law : from the genesis of the state to the globalisation of law / Mikael Rask Madsen and Yves Dezalay -- Feminist legal theory / Harriet Samuels -- Critical race theory / Angela P. Harris -- Law in action. Interpretive sociologists and law / Max Travers -- Bruno Latour's legal anthropology / Frâedâeric Audren and Câedric Moreau de Bellaing -- New legal realism and the empirical turn in law / Stewart Macaulay and Elizabeth Mertz -- Postmodernism. Foucault and law / Gary Wickham -- Law and postmodernism / Shaun McVeigh -- Postcolonial theories of law / Eve Darian-Smith -- Law in a global society. Reviewing legal pluralism / Anne Griffiths -- Globalisation and law : law beyond the state / Ralf Michaels -- Law and regulation in Late Modernity / Reza Banakar -- Studies of the legal profession / Ole Hammerslev -- Comparative sociology of law / David Nelken.



Sociological jurisprudence.
Legal research.
Social sciences--Research.

K376 / .I58 2013

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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