Political economy and the changing global order

Political economy and the changing global order - 3rd ed. - New York Oxford University Press 2006 - xi,492 p. 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Understanding the changing global order -- Introduction : conceptualizing the changing global order / Political economy : the revival of an 'interdiscipline' / Problems of powers and knowledge in a changing world order / Globalization : the long view / Globalization and its critics / Alternatives to neo-liberalism? : towards a more heterogeneous global political economy / Theory and exclusion : gender, masculinity, and international political economy / Global issues -- Introduction : global issues in historical perspective / The political economy of post-9/11 security / Global finance and political order / The emerging world financial order and different forms of capitalism / The group of seven and global macroeconomic governance / The WTO and the governance of globalization : dismantling the compromise of embedded liberalism? / Big business, the WTO, and development : Uruguay and beyond / Multinational corporations in the global economy / The political economy of the Internet and e-commerce / The agency of labour in a changing global order / Post-colonial readings of child labour in a globalized economy / Environment, economy, and global environmental governance / Gendered representations of the 'global' : reading/writing globalization / Crime in the global economy / Regional dynamics -- Introduction : regionalization and globalization / Explaining the regional phenomenon in an era of globalization / The transnational political economy of European integration : the future of socio-economic governance in the enlarged union / The North American free trade agreement / Latin America in the global political economy / Economic regionalism in East Asia : consolidation with centrifugal tendencies / Political economies of Africa(s) at the start of the twenty-first century / Responses to globalization -- Introduction : state responses to globalization / Political globalization and the competition state / Negotiating globalization : the foreign economic policy of the European Union / Globalization and the transformation of the German model / The political economy of the UK competition state : committed globalism, selective Europeanism / Transition economies / The United States and globalization : struggles with hegemony / Politics and markets in East Asia : is the developmental state compatible with globalization? / Japan, East Asian regionalization, and selective resistance to globalization / China and the political economy of global engagement / Geoffrey R. D. Underhill -- Michael R. Kratke and Geoffrey R. D. Underhill -- Robert W. Cox -- Herman M. Schwartz -- James H. Mittleman -- Eric Helleiner -- Sandra Whitworth -- Geoffrey R. D. Underhill -- Brian Burgoon -- Louis W. Pauly -- Jonathan Story -- Michael C. Webb -- Jens Ladefoged Mortensen -- Susan K. Sell -- Winfried Ruigrok -- Henry Farrell -- Robert O'Brien -- Geeta Chowdhry -- Steven Bernstein -- Marianne Marchand -- H. Richard Friman -- Richard Stubbs and Austina J. Reed -- Helge Hveem -- Batiaan van Apeldoorn -- Tony Porter -- Nicola Phillips -- Richard Higgott -- Timothy M. Shaw and Pamela K. Mbabazi -- Richard Stubbs and Sarah Eaton -- Philip G. Cerny -- Michael Smith -- Sigurt Vitols -- Andrew Baker -- Annette Freyberg-Inan -- Bruce E. Moon -- Mark Beeson -- Christopher W. Hughes -- Shaun Breslin. I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. II. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. III. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. IV. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

"Designed to introduce students to a broad range of perspectives on the rapidly changing field of international political economy, this third edition of Political Economy and the Changing Global Order offers a critical assessment of the contemporary discipline and includes a number of new articles on emerging areas of IPE, such as gender, security, environmentalism, crime, and the role of the Internet. As well, all articles from the previous edition have been updated and revised to reflect the growing tensions among globalization, regionalism, and national interests. Every chapter includes a list of suggested readings and, where appropriate, key websites, and each of the book's four sections opens with an informative introduction."--BOOK JACKET.


International economic relations.
World politics--1989-
Economic history--1990-
Nouvel ordre économique international.
Histoire économique--1990-
Politique mondiale--1989-

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