Epic recession prelude to global depression

Rasmus, Jack

Epic recession prelude to global depression - London Pluto Press 2010 - 340p. ill. 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 320-335) and index.

Quantitative characteristics of epic recession -- Qualitative characteristics of epic recession -- The dynamics of epic recession -- U.S. depressions in the nineteenth century -- 'Type I' epic recession : 1907-1914 -- 'Type II' epic recession : 1929-1931 -- The epic recession of 2007-2010 -- The Bush-Obama recovery programs -- An alternative program for economic recovery.



GBA9C2959 bnb

015442785 Uk

Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009.

United States--Economic conditions--2009-
United States--Economic policy--2009-
United States--Economic conditions.
United States--Economic policy.

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