Mapping ideology

Mapping ideology - London Verso 1994 - 341p. 24 cm. - Mapping .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction: The Spectre of Ideology / Slavoj Zizek -- 1. Messages in a Bottle / Theodor W. Adorno -- 2. Adorno, Post-Structuralism and the Critique of Identity / Peter Dews -- 3. The Critique of Instrumental Reason / Seyla Benhabib -- 4. The Mirror-phase as Formative of the Function of the I / Jacques Lacan -- 5. Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (Notes towards an Investigation) / Louis Althusser -- 6. The Mechanism of Ideological (Mis)recognition / Michel Pecheux -- 7. Determinacy and Indeterminacy in the Theory of Ideology / Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen Hill and Bryan S. Turner -- 8. The New Questions of Subjectivity / Goran Therborn -- 9. Ideology and its Vicissitudes in Western Marxism / Terry Eagleton -- 10. Feminism, Ideology, and Deconstruction: A Pragmatist View / Richard Rorty -- 11. Ideology, Politics, Hegemony: From Gramsci to Laclau and Mouffe / Michele Barrett -- 12. Doxa and Common Life: An Interview / Pierre Bourdieu and Terry Eagleton. 13. Postmodernism and the Market / Fredric Jameson -- 14. How Did Marx Invent the Symptom? / Slavoj Zizek.



Political science--History.
Right and left (Political science)--History.

JA83 / .M265 1994

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O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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