Commentary on the transfer of property act, act no. 4 of 1882
Gour, Hari Singh
Commentary on the transfer of property act, act no. 4 of 1882 - 12th ed. - Delhi Delhi Law House 2010 - in 2V V1 clxxx,1318p. V2 clxx,2533p.
in 2V V1 Section 1 to 60. V2 Section 60A to 137.
346.4360954 / GO-C
Commentary on the transfer of property act, act no. 4 of 1882 - 12th ed. - Delhi Delhi Law House 2010 - in 2V V1 clxxx,1318p. V2 clxx,2533p.
in 2V V1 Section 1 to 60. V2 Section 60A to 137.
346.4360954 / GO-C