Islamism a documentary and reference guide

Calvert, John Dr.

Islamism a documentary and reference guide - New Delhi Pentagon Press 2008 - xiii,283p. 29 cm.

Islamist Movements and Thinkers -- The Founding of the Muslim Brotherhood / Goals and Strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood / The Need for Islamic Leadership / The Primacy of the Shari'a / From Arabism to Islamism / Islamism, Democracy, and the Limits of Freedom -- "Impious Democratic Dogma" / Representative Government in Islam / An Islamist View of the Media (Article published in the Algerian Islamist journal al-Munqidh) -- Women and Family in Islamist Discourses -- "When Islam Prohibits Something, It Closes All the Avenues of Approach to It" / "Woman Has Been Guaranteed Complete Equality with Man" / "Muslim Sister ... Show Your Pride!" / The Need for Ijtihad / Social and Economic Justice -- Mutual Responsibility / Our Economy / "The Goal of Islam Is to Eliminate Misery" / "Islam Distinguishes between the Property of the State and Collective Property" / The Iranian Revolution -- "The Shahid Is Always Alive and Present" / "The Awaited Savior" / "Laws and Social Institutions Require the Existence of an Executor" / "Dialogue of Civilizations" / "The People of the Region Are Becoming Increasingly Angry" / The Near Enemy -- The Modern Jahiliyya / "What Immorality Could Allow This Kind of Behavior?" / The Neglected Duty / "Islam Needs a Country That Protects Its Creed" / "The Junta Is Pursuing the Path of Evil" / Islamism in Saudi Arabia -- "We Are Calling for a Sweeping Reform in Our People's Affairs" / The Betrayal of Palestine / A Saudi Oppositionist's View / "The State of Saudi Arabia Is Facing a Dire Crisis" / The Liberation of Muslim Lands -- "The Entire Islamic Land Is Like a Single Country" / "We Were Looking for Jihad" / "The Movement's Program Is Islam" / "A Ruling Pertaining to the Participation of Palestinians in Government Institutions in the Occupied Land" (Muhammad Sa'id Ramadan al-Buti on behalf of the Islamic Movement of Israel) -- Global Jihad -- Declaration of Jihad / Jihad against Jews and Crusaders / Knights under the Prophet's Banner / "Muslims Can Legitimately Kill Disbelievers" / "Physical Fitness of the Mujahid" / "The Land of Those Who Reside in Paradise" / Zarqawi's Letter / Hasan al-Banna -- Hasan al-Banna -- Abu A'la Maududi -- 'Umar Talmisani -- Rashid al-Ghannushi -- Ali Benhadj -- Hasan al-Turabi -- Yusuf al-Qaradawi -- Sayyid Qutb -- HAMAS -- Nadia Yassine -- Mustafa al-Siba'i -- Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr -- Alija Izetbegovic -- 'Ali Ibn al-Shukri -- Ali Shariati -- Ayatollah Baqir al-Sadr and Ayatollah Murtada Mutahhari -- Ayatollah Khomeini -- Mohammed Khatami -- Mahmud Ahmadinejad -- Sayyid Qutb -- Zainab al-Ghazali -- 'Abd al-Salam Faraj -- 'Abud al-Zumur -- Abdel Razik Rajjam -- Salman al-'Awda -- Usama bin Laden -- Muhammad al-Mas'ari -- Sa'd al-Faqih -- 'Abdullah 'Azzam -- Abu 'Aziz "Barbaros" -- HAMAS -- Usama bin Laden -- Usama bin Laden -- Ayman al-Zawahiri -- Yusuf al-Ayiri -- Yusuf al-Ayiri -- Imam Samudra the "Bali Bomber" -- Abu Mu'sab al-Zarqawi. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



Islam--21st century.
Islam--Essence, genius, nature.
Islamic renewal--Islamic countries.
Islam and politics--Islamic countries.

Islamic countries--Politics and government.

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