Organizing rebellion non-state armed groups under international humanitarian law, human rights law, and international criminal law
Rodenhauser, Tilman
Organizing rebellion non-state armed groups under international humanitarian law, human rights law, and international criminal law - London Oxford University Press 2018 - 1 online resource. - Oxford monographs in international humanitarian and criminal law . - Oxford monographs in international humanitarian and criminal law. .
This edition previously issued in print: 2018.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
As non-state actors proliferate both in number and variety, the time is ripe for an explication of what obligations armed groups are under. Ground-breaking in examining humanitarian, human rights, and criminal law, Rodenh�auser analyses groups ranging from gangs to cyber criminals to ask when organisations become culpable under international law.
Non-state actors (International relations)
Liability for human rights violations.
War crimes (International law)
Human rights.
War (International law)
International criminal law.
Organizing rebellion non-state armed groups under international humanitarian law, human rights law, and international criminal law - London Oxford University Press 2018 - 1 online resource. - Oxford monographs in international humanitarian and criminal law . - Oxford monographs in international humanitarian and criminal law. .
This edition previously issued in print: 2018.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
As non-state actors proliferate both in number and variety, the time is ripe for an explication of what obligations armed groups are under. Ground-breaking in examining humanitarian, human rights, and criminal law, Rodenh�auser analyses groups ranging from gangs to cyber criminals to ask when organisations become culpable under international law.
Non-state actors (International relations)
Liability for human rights violations.
War crimes (International law)
Human rights.
War (International law)
International criminal law.