Financial liberalization and economic performance Brazil at the crossroads

Paula, Luiz Fernando de 1959-

Financial liberalization and economic performance Brazil at the crossroads - London Routledge 2010 - xx,237p.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction -- Costs and benefits of capital account liberalization for developing countries: theoretical and empirical evaluation -- Financial liberalization and economic policy in Brazil in 1990-2009 -- Recent changes in capital controls and foreign exchange rules in Brazil -- The debate on capital account convertibility and capital controls in Brazil -- Financial liberalization, economic performane and macroeconomic stability in Brazil: an empirical evaluation -- The internationalization of banks: evolution, characteristics and recent trends -- Foreign banks entry in Latin America: dterminants and strategies -- Banking consolidation after the real plan : determinants and impacts -- Foreign bank entry, mergers and acquisitions and banking efficiency: an empirical assessment -- Summary and conclusion.



Banks and banking--Brazil.

Brazil--Economic policy--21st century.

HC187 / .P284 2010

332.0981 / PA-F

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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