Law, mystery and the humanities collected essays

Law, mystery and the humanities collected essays - Toronto University of Toronto Press 2008 - viii,370p. 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

Points of convergence : law, mystery, and the humanities / Diana Majury and Logan Atkinson -- Murder and mayhem in legal method : or, the strange case of Sherlock Holmes v. Sam Spade / Neil C. Sargent -- Analytic philosophy and the interpretation of constitutional rights / Sophia Moreau -- Nature : from philosophy of science to legal theory ... and back? / Alain Papaux -- Language and law as objects of scientific study / RĂ©mi Samson -- I beg to differ : interdisciplinary questions about law, language, and dissent / Marie-Claire Belleau and Rebecca Johnson -- Imagining sedition : law and the emerging public sphere in Upper Canada, c. 1798-1828 / Barry Wright -- Human rights poetry as ethical tribunal : bodies and bystanders in Margaret Atwood's 'Footnote to the Amnesty report on torture' / Brenda Carr Vellino -- Who do we blame for blame? Moving beyond the fiction of blame in The sweet hereafter / Diana Majury -- 'Our woe ... Our great distress' : law, literature, and suffering during the Great Plague of London, 1665 / Logan Atkinson -- The strange gospel and a common law : the reconciling word to a fragmented world / M.H. Ogilvie -- The re-enchantment of the world? Max Weber, Ernst Troeltsch, and human rights / Clinton Timothy Curle.



GBA8C2881 bnb

20089025830 014684596 Uk

Law and literature.
Sociological jurisprudence.

K487.C8 / L3948 2008

340.115 / LA-

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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