Indian political thought a reader

Indian political thought a reader - London Routledge 2010 - xvi,309p. 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The poverty of Indian political theory / Bhikhu Parekh -- Gandhi's Ambedkar / Ramachandra Guha -- The quest for justice: evoking Gandhi / Neera Chandhoke -- Tagore and his India / Amartya Sen -- Is secularism alien to Indian civilization? / Romila Thapar -- Secularism revisited: doctrine of destiny or political ideology? / T. N. Madan -- The distinctiveness of Indian secularism / Rajeev Bhargava -- The blindness of insight: why communalism in India is about caste / Dilip M. Menon -- In search of integration and identity: Indian Muslims since independence / Mushirul Hasan -- Sikh fundamentalism: translating history into theory / Harjot Oberoi -- Gandhi, Newton, and the Enlightenment / Akeel Bilgrami -- Scientific temper: arguments for an Indian Enlightenment / Meera Nanda -- Outline of a revisionist theory of modernity / Sudipta Kaviraj -- Reconstructing childhood: a critique of the ideology of adulthood / Ashis Nandy -- Subaltern studies as postcolonial criticism / Gyan Prakash -- The commitment to theory / Homi Bhabha -- The justice of human rights in Indian constitutionalism / Upendra Baxi -- Emancipatory feminist theory in postcolonial India: unmasking the ruse of liberal internationalism / Ratna Kapur -- Righting wrongs / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak -- The poverty of Western political theory: concluding remarks on concepts like 'community' East and West / Partha Chatterjee.



GBA990856 bnb

015371141 Uk

Political science--Philosophy.--India
Politics and culture--India.
Political customs and rites--India.

India--Politics and government.

JA84.I4 / I525 2010

320.0954 / IN-

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat-Narela Road, Sonepat, Haryana (India) - 131001

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