Routledge philosophy guidebook to Husserl and the Cartesian meditations
Material type:
- 9780415287586
- Husserl and the Cartesian meditations

Includes bibliographical references (p. [265]-267) and index.
1. First meditation -- The epoché and the transcendental reduction -- The constitution of objects -- Transcendental phenomenology and psychology -- Evidenz and intuition -- 'The Cartesian way' -- 2. Second meditation -- Intentionality -- The concept of horizon -- 'Sensualism' and the sense-datum theory -- Time-consciousness and Hylé -- Intentional analysis -- 3. (Most of the) fourth meditation -- Ego, person, monad -- Static and genetic phenomenology -- Active and passive synthesis -- Eidetic phenomenology and the nature of thought -- Founding -- Transcendental instincts and 'drive-intentionality' -- 4. Third meditation and part of the fourth -- Reality and reason -- World -- Reality as an 'idea' -- Reality and objectivity -- Husserl's idealism -- A Husserlian proof of idealism -- Theoretical science and the life-world -- Husserl's metaphysics -- 5. Fifth meditation -- The sphere of ownness -- The body -- Empathy -- Intersubjectivity -- Empathy : the wider picture -- The status and scope of Husserl's account of empathy.
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